After the Inspiration

The first stage of a project is often the most exciting. But, how many times do we set out to accomplish something and then abandon what we started? After the inspiration, what enables us to reach our goals?

For those that enjoy writing, one of the best moments is the moment of inspiration: when an idea comes to you that you must explore. It can be as simple as a thought. This is what happened to me when I wrote Camouflage. I looked into a forest near my home and wondered, what's out there that we haven't discovered, and from that moment, I was gripped with a story.

But goals like writing a book are often difficult to accomplish. Before the energy that comes with inspiration starts to diminish, we must channel some of it into 'focus' and 'commitment'.

Focus has to do with the direction you take. If you have an overall idea of what is required to reach your goal, stay 'focused' on just the next step and you will get there. Put blinders on. Don't get caught up in where you are or how much further you have to go. It's easy to get overwhelmed and abandon a goal if you lose your focus.

Commitment has to do with the time you spend actively pursuing your goal. In the example of writing a book, it will take thousands of hours to complete your work. Sticking to a schedule or committing to a certain number of hours regularly is a great way to get the task done.

Draw upon the energy of what inspires you. It will certainly motivate you to start a project, but it will take focus and commitment to keep the momentum going.